Platinum Realty

[BUYERS] Single Parent Under 30 30 Ways To Build Closing Cost Savings Cheatsheet

Sale price Price $37.00 Regular price Unit price  per 



Are you a single parent under 30 who dreams of buying your own home but struggles to save enough money for closing costs?


Introducing our Cheatsheet - Single Parent Under 30: 30 Ways To Build Closing Cost Savings.


Saving for closing costs can be a challenge, especially for single parents who are being pulled in multiple directions  limiting their energy and time for their own dreams and goals.


Our handy cheatsheet is filled with practical and actionable ways, specifically tailored for those with time constraints.  Convert existing regular tasks into opportunities to make/save funds to help you achieve your homeownership goals.


In an easy to download and read format, our cheatsheet is the perfect resource for busy single parents on the go.


Don't let worrying about how to find money for closing costs hold you back from purchasing real estate.  Order your copy of our Single Parent Under 30: 30 Ways To Build Closing Cost Savings Cheatsheet today and start saving.


For a limited time, we are offering copies of this Cheatsheet.

Then, it will only be available inside of our Buyer Bundle resources.


Order your copy today, while available.




Your ordered copy of this cheatsheet will be emailed directly to you.
(Make sure you spellcheck your email address at checkout)





Why should you purchase our Single Parent Under 30: 30 Ways To Build Closing Cost Savings Cheatsheet by Platinum Realty?

  • Over 25 years of Real Estate, Financial Management, Business experience and expertise
  • Licenced Real Estate Broker
  • Property Managers, Professionally and Personally
  • Business Strategist
  • PR Strategist
  • Qualified Educator
  • Award-Winning real estate brokerage
  • Dedicated to Educating, Equipping, and Enriching our clients and customers