Platinum Realty

[Small Business] Vacation Rental Winning© - 75+ Must-Haves For Hosting Families Guide

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• Perfect For Hosts Seeking To Host Travelling Families •

(18 pages • PDF • over 75 specific tips)

Are you a host considering renting to families?
Want less bookings but more revenue?

Then, let's prepare your unit to rent to more travelling families!

Our 75+ Must-Haves For Hosting Families Vacation Rental Host Guide is designed to help hosts prepare their units to rent to traveling families. It includes 75+ checklist items to accommodate families of all sizes.

From travelling gear and kid-friendly ideas, to tips on how to reduce replacement costs and make guests feel more comfortable – this guide has what is often overlooked!

Make your unit attractive by equipping it with tools most parents are seeking when securing accommodations for their family vacation.  

Start welcoming children, seniors, and/or teens.  

Know what tools families wish your unit had.  

Be on your way to better reviews and more booking


Who This Guide Is For:*

• hosts new to vacation renting
• those on the fence about renting to families
• hosts who want more revenue but fewer bookings



Why should you purchase our Vacation Rental Winning© 75+ Must-Haves For Hosting Families Guide by Platinum Realty?

  • Over 10 years in hospitality and hosting
  • Over 25 years of Real Estate, Financial Management, Business expertise & experience
  • Licenced Real Estate Broker
  • Property Managers, Professionally and Personally
  • Business Strategist
  • PR Strategist
  • Qualified Educator
  • Award-Winning real estate brokerage
  • Dedicated to Educating, Equipping, and Enriching our clients and customers




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